My son is 19 and he has focal epilepsy in the parietal lobe and take trileptal. He also has Wolff-Parkinson-White. The numbness is in a certain area of his leg where he was bitten by another child in daycare when he was 6 months old. The bite left a red crescent shaped scar and as he's grown, the red patch has spread. Now he is having numbness in the leg. He went to the ER and they looked at his back, just an xray though, and told him nothing was wrong. He has some red faceness at times and skin tone unevenness, severe dryness like me, and his bp is really low, his hands are patriotic, often getting red and white spotted, and during his tilt table test blue. Of course, I'd like to see him screened for AI disease, given my family history. I'm trying to get him in to see my rheumatologist but our primary care has to have a reason to refer him. Could the numbness be lupus or AI related? Shouldn't the reynauds be enough? The problem is that it comes and goes pretty quickly and it is hard to schedule an appointment that coincides with the reynauds. Any ideas on how I can get him to the rheumatologist would be greatly appreciated. It's disgusting we have to play these games.