Hi Rush. I am the forum queen of depression and all happy drugs. I spent many and I mean
many days curled in bed during the long search for a diagnosis. I made a feeble attempt at suicide and spent a couple of days on a psych ward, none of which is condusive to my full time job. A frequent question on the forum is, "If you have extreme fatigue, how can you tell it's depression and not lupus?" Well, besides the obvious such as uncontrollable crying, if I lie in bed and have no desire to do any of my favorite activities, it's time to see my shrink for a medication adjustment. If I lie there and wish I had the energy to do something, it's lupus. I'm currently on 40mg prozac, 200mg lamictal, 200mg seroquel at night, and 10mg ambien. Previously I've taken effexor, lexapro, wellbutrin, buspar, cymbalta, and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few. Surprisingly I have never taken elavil. Seroquel taken at doses 600mg and above is a psychotropic used to treat schizophrenia and low doses are used as a sleep aid. Cymbalta didn't have much effect on me. Prednisone always makes me emotional, but my rheumy says it's here to stay. I've been on antidepressants for a few years and for me, these drugs are just as important as all the other drugs I take. I sure hope your mood improves soon! ((hugs))