Hi Marji,
So you do have sacroliitis? That's what the pain is then. I have the exact same kind of pain in my groin, thighs, lower back and hips. It's the most debilitating pain I have in my body. Combined with your stenosis, I can't imagine how awful this must be for you.
A couple of things that have worked for me to lessen the severity of the pain and give the back a break is that I've got an inexpensive 3 inch memory foam mattress cover. My body gets moulded into this thing and no pressure is put on any joints! It's really good.
The other remedy is a 10% cortisone cream that I apply to my back and hips. It's called Diflucan. Prescription only. It's super strong steroid cream. Works really well. It can usually get me out of a flare up in about 2 days.
I don't know if you've tried these, but it's worth mentioning. Oh Marji, I have the barometric problem BIG TIME. I'm a living breathing weather station.... It's horrible. I truly believe that the barometric pressure changes really wreak havok on our bodies. You're not alone in this one!!
I'm praying for you Marji,