You don't state what your education and experience is so it is hard to recommend. However, there are many companies that employ people and allow them to set their own schedules or even do some types of work at home all or part of the time.
I worked in technology until retiring and one company did not require me to come in to our office except for meetings. I could do everything I had to do from my home office or a customer site if I chose. Unfortunately that company went out of business in 2000 with the tech bust.
These types of jobs are not that easy to find as they are sought by many people who need or want flex time. Retail type jobs or anything where hours are strict will not allow you the kind of flexibility you need to rest when you are drained. I do consulting work now on a very part time basis and only work with home and home office users and an occasional small business. Do not want someone demanding that I appear at a certain time. Less money but a lot less stress and I can take care of myself
There are lots of home based jobs but you need to be careful about some of them. They promise a lot but in reality are not that lucrative.
If you can find health insurance it is worth the cost in most cases. Doctors visits and a few tests are one thing but if you have a serious health situation or accident then it could be catastophic. I was in the hospital for over 3 months in 2005-6 and had 15 doctors and countless procedures and tests as well as physical therapy. Needless to say our insurance saved us financially...the cost was unbelieveable. A single 5 day treatment of gamma globulin was $12000 and I had 3-7 doctors visit me every day in the hospital.
This is probably the biggest long term problem our country faces. There are over 50 million people without health insurance who do not get preventative care and use emergency rooms. A high percentage of personal bankruptcies are due to health care costs.
I would urge you to find a position that has health insurance.
If you can find a more progressive company they might be understanding of your health needs but I would be very cautious about mentioning anything in an interview. Like old age, chronic or poor health is usually a factor in not getting a job. Sucks and is not fair but it is reality. I had a lot of experience with age discrimination even though I always looked younger than I was. But past a certain age it is obvious that you are not in your 20s or 30s which is what most employers want these days to keep their benefit costs down.