Hi, I have had chronic swelling on my inside right ankle for years. I had just a few bouts where my left ankle swelled, but no where near as much or for as long as my right. My right one is just about
always swollen. I get a lot of pain in there as well. Now recently it's been more difficult to move and feels very stiff inside. I complained to my current rheumy several times about
this ankle and he never wanted to look at it. Well, then the swelling went down, and he finally looked at it. THough the swelling went down, I was still having pain in there. So he sent me for an x-ray. Xray showed absolutely nothing. Several weeks later it started swelling again and my PT urged me to see a Podiatrist again because I also have a collapsed ankle. He gave me a referral; the Podiatrist sent me for an MRI..and lo and behold I have severe arthritis and the damage in there makes it appear as if I jumped off a building. My ankle caved in, no more arch, my tendons are extensively torn and abnormally thickened; there was edema and tenosynovitis; and osteochondral lesions on my talar bone. THANK GOD the foot doctor looked into it for me and got me an AFO brace at least, which helps the mechanical pain. BUt now since early July my ankles flared up again and now I have swelling on the ouside ankle and some heel pain. I saw my rheumy again this week, he looked at my hands and said he doesnt see any inflammation; I wanted to show him my ankle and he only checked out my brace, and didnt want me to bother taking it and my sock off. I just cannot believe my rheumy as it is beginning to seem he doesnt believe me or something. I am so glad I took my PT's advice and found a Podiatrist, at least I know what is going on in my ankle now. Mind you, this all started about
20 yrs ago.