Hi, I know this is off topic but I took my 17 yr old daughter to get her 1st pap and start birthcontrol, I asked the PA why she wasn't given a preg. test b4 given the BC pills, she just said 'Well, she already had her period this month and she will start the pills when she gets her next period'. Does this sound right???
This worried me because when I was younger I got a Depo-shot and was already preg. at the time. I thought its always best to make sure one is not preg. when taking bc.
My daughter has a BF, I suspected she may be sex. active because she spends alot of time w/him. Last week I asked her if she was active and at 1st she denied it, but I can tell when she's lieing, her upper lip curls up, so I told her I'm not upset if u r but need to tell me. Then she said she was active. Believe me I felt upset/worried but I also want to avoid any unplanned preg. I did talk to her about STD'd and how he needs to also use protection too. She did say he has been using protection. Yesterday, I spent $80.00 for a 3mo. supply and Co-pay, HB was upset alittle because I used my part of my car note $ to pay for it. I should have gotten just a mo supply but I wasn't thinking at the time. Hb was mad for a couple of min. and then said ok I'm done w/me being mad over this, then he hugged me and said Its because I love soo much. He doesn't stay mad for long, thank god.
I'm telling my daughter when u get ur next dose your BF will have to pay for it if ur not wrkng by then. I did tell her I wish she wouldn't be active but I'd rather her use protection then not.