I know exactly how you felt, we are at a teaching hospital as well some of the res. or fellows are good some need a lesson in compassion. There was one particular appointment that they made Sarah cry, when they left the rm. she said they don't beleive me. Her bloodwk last December did not show she had the disease, some of the titres were only slightly related. It was a Rheum Psyciatrist who diagnosed Sarah as she was having small little hallucinations and that trigger the Dr. to react so quickly. I don't know if you read my post about my Sarah but we have been through quit the summer and I know how you feel when it comes to my child I am a mama bear.
The Doctors were very surprises that Sarah got so sick and they also apologised to us for not making the right call.(that was the second admission and they thought her problems were due to stroke not the lupus that was affecting her brain. Let me tell you she is being followed with kid gloves now.
My advice to you is don't give up, and not all young Dr.s in training know it all I have had to speak to the senior to make corrections many times. Be informed, and research, listen to the others that are experienced with this disease. I didn't didn't even know what antiphospholipid antibodies till I read it here. I asked the Rheumy did she have this, as she had a clott to the brain and he said yes that was 4 mths after.
Hopefully you get your answers, hugs to you and your son
Sharon mom to a 17 year old daughter that has CNS Lupus,stroke,sle,APS