Good Day Everyone hope you are all well,
So I woke up Sunday with a really sore tongue and to along with the sores I had at the corner of my mouth. Well now those sores are almost gone but I went to see the Dermy yesterday for my sore burning tongue and she says it's thrush and gave me diflucan for 5 days to take. My mouth is on FIRE my tongue is so gross and the roof of my mouth burns. Any suggestions on how to treat this with anything from home. Plus I have a cold so I am coughing which I am sure does not help. My mouth feels like it's full of glue.
The Dermy asked me if this is from dry mouth I don't think my mouth was dry before this I could eat a full meal without a drink and would often grab a dry peice of toast when running out the door to work. She says thrush is usually only in the mouths of people who were on antibiotics ( which I wasn't ) or people with Sjogrens so now she has me thinking I must have sjogrens then. Although I tested negative for the anti body twice. But I just had my opthamoligist test and my eyes are fine and my nose is running from my cold so that is fine. Has anyone on here had thrush and does not have sjogrens? If you have had thrush does that make your mouth sore and feel dry?
Thanks for your help..we only have one dermy were I live so my options are limited