OK....I have to post my $0.02....
For any of you on this forum who are
actually gluten-intolerant or have celiac disease, I must point out that you CANNOT eat rye, barley, wheat (including spelt, kamut, bulgur, cous cous, etc) or ANY grain that is in any way related to these. You cannot eat oats either, because of contamination issues (farmers typically grow wheat one year, oats the next, on the same fields and they are processed with the same equipment).
A few rare celiacs (like me for instance) cannot eat certified gluten free oats either, because we react to the protein called avenin, which is in oats.
For those of you who are just eating gluten free because you've heard it's healthier, you can eat what you want. But I should point out that the human body is not built to process grains of ANY type. Google "paleo diet" if you don't believe me. Nor are ruminants like cows....the modern diet of corn actually makes them ill. But it gets them to market weight in half the time, so who cares, right?
I believe that the modern human diet with its emphasis on grains is at the root of the obesity epidemic. If grain gets cows to fatten up twice as fast, what do you think it has done to us???
Cows are supposed to eat
grass, and WE are supposed to eat meat, fish, nuts, eggs, wild greens, wild root veggies, wild berries, etc. Nothing else. DON'T eat soy!! 91% of the soy grown in this country is genetically modified, and it is TOXIC. Read what happened to hamsters in just 3 generations after they ate GM soy:
www.huffingtonpost.com/jeffrey-smith/genetically-modified-soy_b_544575.htmlOK, I'm done. Stepping off the soap box now....