Georgia Girl,
It's me. I've been too sick to open my computer for a month! But.................I think the drugs are workin! My LLMD works under the premice that "kill the Lyme first then co-infections". Well, I did ok on the IV Roc. but the orals killed me (I tried several (about 5 I think). Long story short, couldn't handle pain but I really think I'm turning the corner! It turns out the neuro (PAIN- ZAPPING) also included shingles! I'm now able to use my arms, hands again and I could feel the Tindamax (750 mg 2x daily) working! I started it Friday and within 9 hours my arms felt like someone was slowly turning up an electrical current on me! The worst of it lasted about 10 hours (H. Reaction?) but the pain has really decreased and the use of hands, etc. is much better! Everyone is different but I am hopeful for the first time! This is the best my CNS has been yet. I am also on Neurontin which I think helps too.
I did get shingles, however and a cold. I am homebound but with no immune system CD57- 37 - I am worried that I will never get my immune system back!
Take care!