IRT stands for Immune Response Training. The idea is to train the brain to tell the immune system to wipe out the germs. It is run by Gary Blier. What is the training?
1) You write out your main symptoms and send to Gary. Call 401-737-1011 for more info or go to
2) You join a group where you have conference calls and Gary talks and lets some people talk about symptoms.
3) You are e-mailed a set of written codes which seem like gibberish that you read to yourself.
4) You listen to a CD that sounds like gibberish, call back into Gary and get prayed for and then listen to the CD again.
5) You repeat this scenario with different codes week after week.
There is a money back guarentee if you do not feel better after 3 weeks, but in my mind the placebo affect can play a role. At the time I did it is was about $55 per week.
Although some people have said it helped, it did not help me at all.