I was diagnosed with LPR Reflux a while ago. I took Nexium for around 6 weeks and got better. Went off the Nexium. Every now and then I would have some reflux but not bad.
Well, I have had a few bouts with the feeling that something was stuck in my throat. I went to my ENT and he told me that the reflux was still an issue. He gave me Prevacid but I didn't take it. The feeling went away and I was okay.
Starting today I have a sore throat and that yucky acid taste. My throat isn't just a normal sore throat. It is an acidy one. Yuck. Anyway, I have been drinking lots of water. I will prop myself up again (my baby girl slept with me last night so I didn't use my pillow) and hopefully that will help. My throat feels so crappy that I skipped my Doxy tonight and headed for the Tums. I hope it helps a little.
Any advice? I am going to start the Prevacid tomorrow. Is that okay to take with the Doxy? I am assuming the Doxy is my culprit?