Dowa said...
I just wanted to comment on something you said about the sunshine. I have been told by many Lyme sufferers that the sunshine can make you worse but I absolutely LOVE it and feel so much better when I get a daily dose. The more sun the better I feel. And exercise is crucial for me to keep my spirits up, so keep up with those two things at least. I am going for my walk in the sunshine now! (: D
Yeah, I know that Marshall Protocol folks are very against sunshine and Vitamin D. That's all cool, but my Wiz is very much opposed to this.
I'm sure that the sun makes me feel better and also I walk in the woods. Now, my doc is also very much against me going in the woods. And I know a lot of folks are saying, "Stay out of the woods! If you get bit again it will be so much worse." But the sun and the woods are a part of my life. I want them to be a part of my recovery.
Now, I walk on open paths and I dress in a very "tick concious" way, and I also treat the legs of my pants and cuffs of my shirts with Permethrin. In short, I can give up cigarettes, alcohol, sugar, and even caffiene to get rid of this crud. But I don't believe that I can, or want to, give up sunshine or nature.
And I totally respect those who do not feel this way. Perhaps I will be forced to change, but I hope not.