After seeing all the stories of what everyone has gone through on this site and others. Being ignored by dr's and made fun of by family members, dwindling finances, pain and suffering. I would not venture into the woods ever again.
I'd just ignore the garden or eradicate all the plants with herbicide. Then i'd sit inside looking out the window and tell people. "That is where the garden and woods used to be."
Of course, that is just what i would do if i lived in your state.
A more realistic non alarmist approach: Keep a look out for ticks all over your body and check thoroughly when you go back indoors. Some on here could advise you of repellent options. The ticks could even sit on your clothes waiting and climb back on your skin for another blood sucking chance if you put those clothes back on without washing. And I have no clue if a tick can survive a cycle through a washing machine. I never tried it. Keep doxycycline on hand and be prepared to take some if you find a tick dug into your skin or experience any strange symptoms. If you do experience strange accumulating symptoms then seek out a lyme knowledgable dr and don't take no for an answer. Also be cautious of biting flies, horse flies and mosquitos. We don't have definit answers about what all tranmits lyme and co-infections. Better safe than sorry.