Hello, I've been a frequenter of the chrons/colits boards here, as well as the panic disorder section.
I decided to get tested for lymes last week because I've been bitten by ticks and I live on a farm. Also every one of my dogs have had lymes in the past. Most of this stuff started last june. Got the panic disorder and then progressed into a nasty general sickness which included a flare up of the colitis and then a bout with salmonella. So I haven't felt well even after being treated for those things..and generally feel sick, tired, joint pain, bad depression, etc.
I got the results back today and apparently it was positive. This test was done by my GI doctor and he forwarded my results over to my primary who I am going to see tomorrow at 9 am. I am not sure which test it was, but i am sure it was some anti-body test and I will find out tomorrow.
I haven't had much time to read all the resources on lymes, and I do see alot of conflicting information.
What I am looking for, and excuse my ignorance, is a general course or pattern that lymes follows from the tick bite until the resolution of symptoms. What medicines are normally used(we treat my dog with doxycycline or amoxyciline), and how effective are they. What are common side effects of medicines? I'd guess they are all hard on the GI tract, which will not be good in my situation.
I am sure specifics might be hard which is also the case with my chrons/colitis, but i am also sure theres a general trend.
Is there some specific questions I should ask the doctor tomorrow? I wish I would have had more time to prepare myself with questions as I am usually a researchaholic.. but I just wasn't able to get to it.