Possibly true but sometimes we do not have the finances to travel across the country to get a good LLMD to prescribe the things we need. Plus paying rather high costs for the dr visit. In my case, I got to the point where i was the dr and my LLMD was just the enabler. However, he would only give me the rinky dink meds like doxy and amoxicillin and that was about it.
There are hundreds of shadey online pharmacies but those are mainly the ones that solicite you via email spam. Those are the ones i'd never visit. Instead, the sites i've listed have been in business for a long time. And you don't stay in business selling fake stuff. I even ordered from pakistan pharmacies just to see the end product. Their drugs were very questionable of all i've seen. I was very surprised to find out that most of the generic meds in the US are actually made in china and india. I ran across the same generic biaxin(clarithromycin) i was getting from a local U.S. pharmacy. Except, i got the generic biaxin from www.edrugone.com and it was the same Ranbaxy biaxin sold in the us pharmacies.
I'm not saying this is for everyone. But sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands. The main problem is that the common health system has completly ignored and failed us all.
Costco is a great idea but unfortunately, not in my case.