Wow, talk about
a wake up call!
I have a history of high blood pressure and a very strong history of heart disease in my family. I look at the B/P meds as not a thing to take when ever I remember but daily requirement along with breathing. I limit my salt, and take my B/P on a regular basis. I am overweight from not feeling well for 15 years and being very limited with my activity level for the last year. Saying all of this, i will say my B/P has been under control.
Sunday I was sitting at the computer and had a uncomfortable feeling in my chest, right over my heart. the tightness lasted about 15 seconds and left. I took my B/P and it was high (162/97), I continued with the letter I was writing then about an hour later it happened again. My B/P was still the same (159/96). I woke up my husband and told him what was going on and that I felt like we needed to just watch it and see what the morning brought.
When I woke up my B/P was still the same and twice I had the little tightness feeling. I took my regular dose of meds and sat on the couch will a big glass of water to keep hydrated. All was well for about 4 hours then I had another little tightness or maybe called a little spasm. I took an aspirin and called my GP. She said for me to go on to the hospital as they could do lab work there that she couldn't in her office. After hanging up the phone with her, I had tightness in my left arm.
None of these symptoms were what I would call painful. All were what I would call different from the normal weird aches and pains I have. It was just the fact that it was different that made me aware of them and I sensed that I needed to be at the hospital.
The ER staff was ever so wonderful and praised the fact that I listened to my body as I knew all of this was just 'different" from the other stuff I deal with all the time. I was very fortunate to have what i would call a LL ER Doc, he was very interested in my history and I felt like I recieved very good care (not the "it's in your head" nonsense).
My b/p was still the same and my pulse was 88. My oxygen saturation was in the 90's. I did not have any more of the spasms but I started a headache.
My EKG and labs showed that all was okay now. It appears that my heart stresses when my B/P and pulse rate increases. I had to increase some of my meds.
BUT what the EKG did show was that between the time I had my last heart check up (June) and 2 weeks ago, I had a heart attack. There was enough damage to show on the EKG. I am to follow up with a cardiologist next week and look in to this closer.
The ER doc asked:
"Have you had headaches?" [ When don't I]
"What about nausea?" [ Almost daily]
"Any fatigue or flu like symptoms?" [ We talked about how hard the herxing has been]
"Any shortness of breath?" He sat there and we discussed the meds (I'm in my 8th week of Mepron/Zithro combo) and said with all that, "How would you know you were having a heart attack".
It's a really good thing that I listened when I did and went on the ER. I'm going to have a Very Merry Holiday with my family for sure.
They say heart attacks can often times are silent in women and I think with as my personal experience shows, when you add other health issues into the mix, you really have to watch what's going on. I truly felt that with as much attention I pay to the things in my health history that I can manage, that a heart attack was not in my cards. Boy was I surprised.
I'm sharing this in hopes that you read it and share it with others.