When I was having alot of problems with my teeth I went to a specialist in Boston that did only root canals for his opinion. He told me that the absesses were caused by lack of blood supply to the teeth. The Lyme came up later, but when I found out that Lyme Disease can cause a thickening of the blood (hypercoagulation) that made perfect sense about
the lack of blood flow. And yes, I have TMJ and the pain is on the same side. Makes me crazy, all this informtion really as I was blaming the Lyme on the teeth pain, not the other way again. Its like, what came first the chicken or the egg..? I didnt have enough postives on the WB for my doc here to say it was lyme (or actually first said it was, and changed his mind). So now that Franco said that about
the 41 and peridontal disease, it confuses me even more. This week I am acutally having nerve pain in a tooth that already had a root canal done, that makes no sense at all as the tooth is supposed to be dead after a root canal, is it not??D