Ticker, thanks for the info. My blood work was sent to Igenenx to test for Lyme and Erlichia. LLMD thinks that I may have Bartonella but does not feel at this time, that testing should be done. She said that there are something like 22 strains of Bartonella and Igenex right now only identifies two of these. She said that every time she sees the rep she questions him about the new test for Bartonella that is coming out that would include all the strains. Unfortunately, he told her not until next year. Some of my symptoms are new like tolerating heat and the constant twitching of soles. I started back on the meds and I think the constant twitching may be a herx. Plus I am exhausted and was not before the meds. Right now Biaxin, 2000mg and 600mg of Refampin, plus countless vitamins and probiotics. I am going to check the Babesiosis treatment. She did ask me if I was having a problem with heat specifically and then it was no.