ok so over the past couple of weeks i have been experiencing a recurring low grade fever, chills, nightsweats / sweating a lot very easily during the day, somewhat swolen lymph nodes in my throat, tender throat, increased allergy/sinuses, and a lot of fatigue. I've been outside in the woods a lot lately and I noticed a knot on the back of my neck under the skin one day. I did some research and learned these are all symptoms of lyme disease, so I went to get tested, but when i got my results back today I tested positive for one test and negative for another, so my doctor said I didn't have it. Should I trust this information? the nurse claimed i tested positive for the initial test, but I needed to test higher than a 5 on another one, but didn't. Should I still be concerned? I have not found a tick on me, but I do live in Georgia where it is very humid and like I said before I have been going in the woods lately.... also i have been feeling much better these past few days, but i started getting sick soon after that knot showed up a few weeks ago, then i got better, then sick again, but worse. :/
Post Edited (brock) : 5/12/2009 8:10:10 AM (GMT-6)