Well for the most part I feel ok and can do everything that a mother of a 14 month old has to do, but this past couple of weeks have been not good and I can only attribute it to stress as we are closing on our first house next Thursday. We are truly very excited and happy and are in love with our new place, but it seems that my body doesn't agree with me and wants to be sick and anxious and that is not helping me with all that I have to get done before we move. Packing up the house and just watching a toddler that wants to get into everything has made life a little difficult at the moment. I am snapping at everyone around me because it is so frustrating. We worked so hard to get this house and now I hate to be sick while moving. I want to feel good to enjoy this time in our lives so I know stress has always made me feel worse and I just wonder why. My doctor always told me I would get worse during stressful times and I think moving is one of the most stressful things anyone can do, never mind when you have an illness. Ugh! I can't wait now until it's over and I am settled and then never have to move again.
I just had to vent this morning.