Hi everyone,
i am writting on behalf of my sister, she has had lyme and all of its coinfections for 8 years now, but has only been receiving treatment the last four years. She has done tons of oral antibiotics, IV treatment with a picc line, bassilin shots, tons of stuff
lately, the bartonella has been really really bad. the rash came back, and her symptoms are worse then before. she has spasms in her muscles, horrible headaches, body aches, she can never get into a comfortable position no matter what she does, terrible stomach pain (she doesnt eat much from the stomach pain and nausea and is losing tons of weight)
the herxes she is getting are really bad, she is getting anxious, angry and aggressive and i just dont know what to do, please if any of you have any suggestions for medicines, creams for the rash, good doctors (we are in teh northeast US) anything at all, i would be so grateful
thank you so much
Post Edited (JIJI) : 6/16/2009 7:20:34 PM (GMT-6)