Please see a Dr that knows and believes in Chronic Lyme. Your dose of doxy is not high enough it should be at least 400-600mg a day. And if you have had it for along time 14 days won't touch it.
I went a year being diagnosed with MS. I took alot of steroids during that time that turned my Lyme into super Lyme. It took about 2 years of antibiotics to get better. I stayed on them for another 2 years because I got pregnant and did not want to risk giving it to the baby. I stopped a few months ago and it came back with a vingence.
Now I have to start all over again. I think the body can heal itself sometimes. I had over 10 lesions on my brain and spine and after 90 days IV rocephen they had all healed. My Nuerologists were shocked, yet they still won't talk about Lyme Disease only MS.
I travel from Oregon to Conneticut to get my Antibiotics, because Drs here say I don't have Lyme. I have tested CDC positive 8 times. The Center of Disease control contacted me after about my 3rd positive test and told me I had Lyme. They couldn't believe My Dr wouldn't treat me. They called him and that got me 30 days of Doxy and that was it I was told I was all better and you still have MS.
You must be your own Advocate and fight. I was shocked about how many Drs don't know everything.