I am far from a patient person. Just ask my wonderful, dear husband :)
You are correct. The roller coaster ride of Lyme stinks and I too find it the worse mentally to be feeling OK one day and like you are gonna die the next day or even the next hour for that matter.
So, I do the very best I can when I am feeling well...and on those down dark days...sometimes I have a pity party for myself. I call a dear friend and really unload and cry. I feel better afterwards and know that tomorrow is another day.
I will also listen to my favorite music from when I was a teenager (many moons ago) and that never fails to bring a smile to my face and a good memory to my heart.
I also try each day to find some beauty in the day. Whether it be a new flower blooming outside, some antic my animals have done, a gorgeous sunset..
And while it does not seem like it at the time, I remember that there are children and families out there fighting hunger, homelessness, poverty, cancer...things that truly truly are alot worse than what I am going thru at that very minute. I then count my blessings.