Hi, CG, my BC said that they would cover "100%" of the IV costs. The company that provides the supplies, nursing and rocephin also said that BC told them the same. So far, (since June 14) I haven't gotten any bill from BC. I choose to believe that they WILL do what they say. My husband, however, has had to go on an antianxiety med because otherwise I was going to have to kill him.....he was driving me CRAZY about "what if they don't pay? We might lose the house!" (My reply: "If I don't get this drug, I won't be able to continue to work, and then we WILL lose the house ") I realize that it was a serious concern, but his fears were going on way to long for my mental state to handle. Not that I would have really killed him. I might have wounded him a little. Ha, ha, ha......not funny in real time, but after the fact it sounds kinda hilarious. Or not yet. I'm waiting for a time when it will all be in the past, and maybe THEN it will be hilarious. VIEW IMAGE
It was dreadful, waiting to find out what BC would say, and such a relief when they said ok. I never expected 100% coverage. It's been wonderful. I believe the rocephin is about $9K a month. No small change. But they are reportedly making payments to the infusion company, and that company has no reason to believe that they won't get paid. Like they told us, they do this all the time, and deal with BC all the time, and if BC decides not to pay after they told us they would, then the company will deal with BC. I inferred that it doesn't happen often.
I don't do Flagyl, I suppose that's for a coinfection (which I apparently don't have). Is that delivered by IV, also?