I think that the services provided by Igenex for people with Lyme disease are invaluable.....there is nothing "suspicious" about
I had the Western Blot done by Igenex and paid $475 for it, am currently trying to get money back from my insurance company. At most I will get 50% back because Igenex is an "out-of-network" provider. But I think that the tests were well worth the money. My Western Blot was negative by CDC standards but positive by Igenex standards. My LLMD goes by the Igenex results in any case; now I'm paying another $600+ for testing for co-infections....I will get the results in March.
IMHO, these charges are NOT unusually high considering that these tests require sensitive DNA testing. Have you ever looked at the list of charges from a normal lab when you've had a lot of blood tests run? Especially if they are doing genetic testing?? The charges are frequently in the hundreds of dollars, the difference is that your insurance usually covers it so you don't think about
Here is a descript
ion of what Igenex does from a recent
thread started by Deejavu (Denise):
"One thing for sure is that there are more strains of lyme than most labs like Quest or Labcorp currently test for. Medicine is not a black and white science. There are a lot of gray areas. The experts know that there are over 30 strains of Bb.
Where Quest, Labcorp, etc. make there lyme probes they use rabbit antigens from 2 strains of Lyme.
IgeneX uses samples from human lyme patients from all over the United States and Europe and from patients who had early, middle and late stage lyme. Also, when a western blot is done there is an acidic gel that is used to separate out the bands. Most labs use a 10% gel. IgeneX uses a 12.5% gel so they get better separation of the bands.
Igenex was taken to U.S. court by the state of New York, the FDA and I believe the state of California because they were claiming that Igenex was putting out false positives. When this occurs the scrutiny that a lab is put under is microscopic. They were cleared of any and all charges of wrong doing."
Igenex is on the cutting edge of Lyme disease research....thank goodness they are courageous enough to stand up to the bureaucrats!