Thank you, everyone. Thank you for kind and caring words. I promis you I am pulling for everyone.
Razzle, no I really have no reason to believe any possible co-infections were even addressed. My test showed babs, was not tested for Bart; and RMSF & ERLIC were negative, altho these were just titres test and the LLMD said not reliable. So I just don't know what to think about the co-infections.
My daughter in law took a trip to Ethiopia and had to take Doxy for several weeks prior and after as a preventative for malaria. WEll, since Babs is a malaria-like protazoa, might Doxy not be effective against Babs? I had a few weeks of Doxy (as a preventive for Rocky Mt after a new tick bite) I know that most of you believe Babs is much more difficult to kick, but a girl can dream....
CajunGrl, thank you so much for your concerns, but please do not worry about me. I will send you my email, tho, OK? I believe that all of you are suffering so much more than I am, at least at this point and it is so discouraging to see so many of my 'old' pals on here, still fighting this rat bastrd.
I know that the Amox did something -- I don't know for positive that it succeeded, but I did go thru a period that the Lyme was either gone, or gone into C form or hiding. But recently, and only now and then, I'd fear it was creeping back up -- I'd get that throbbing, aching, buzzing feeling. But it's never set in or taken hold. So I don't know. Maybe the Amox enabled my immune system to fight?
But, oops, just remembered: I have red things all over my body. REd spots. Some are scaly, some are just marks. All over my arms and legs. I recall something like that in late lyme back when I was researching...
I know my thryroid was/is low and I haven't been treated for it and need to get into a Dr. I am also 99% positive that I have adrenal problems, after researching that. And I believe that is possibly what is causing the unbearable depression that visits almost every afternoon, bringing that nasty 'S' word along w/ it. I have every symptom of that and the LLMD I saw last summer noted that on my blood test. But he gave me a script for something weird that was extremely expensive and I did not fill it.
I can't tell you how many days that, if I didn't have dogs, I would have checked myself in to some kind of hospital -- that's how messed up I've felt. And I know that it is physical. It comes on suddenly w/ no explanation and it is literally unbearable.
JY Willy -- where are you? I am in Shawnee, KS. As I said, I have no more $$. Nadda. Zilch. I am declaring BK mostly so I can start building a little bit of a savings acct in case of emergency or vet emergency. A dental emergency and vet emergency set me over the edge and I'm literally wiped out.
I have been on a local LLMD (who takes my ins) waiting list for a year now. So I'll keep waiting. Meantime, I'll at least get in to a new PCP in hopes of treating the adrenal/thyroid.
I believe that if I weren't hypglycemic, I might be anorexic (but still overweight because of thyroid). I have no interest in food (except breakfast) and hardly ever feel like eating. I get kind of aggravated when I feel the need to eat, because I don't want to mess with it.
I still feel like the Lyme is possibly gone. I understand it usually sneaks back up, but I want to think positively on this -- much of my energy has returned and I don't have that constant sick feeling. My neck and back pain are still bad, but I believe the Lyme damaged them and there may never be improvement, unless I try some yoga or something.
Meantime, I still megadose C, D, garlic and take a bunch of other vites.
GWB, I will email you for a list of local Drs, OK?
I cannt respond to everyone on here, even tho I do read your posts and I do care. I am pulling for all of you! And I would like to say that I do believe that Amox, if you can take it, is effective. I suffered while on it, either depression caused by the Amox, or was herxing. I got relief when I stopped, so who knows? I realize that we are all different.
I also want to let everyone know that we are not the only ones in this crappy medical boat.
My father has been ill for over 2 yrs now and the Drs say they can't find anyting wrong. And my daughter has 1 leg that keeps swelling up and causing pain -- this has been going on for months. She has wasted money at the ER when they did nothing for her. Been to her regular Dr, who sent her to a vascular surgeon who ordered 3 different MRIs, but has never returned her calls regarding the results. She is to go back to this Dr to remove a lump under her armpit which she has had for at least a year and none of the Drs will even bother examining it. She went to this 'specialist' because of this lump, and another one that was infected in her groin area.
This Dr never examined either lump, never looked at them. The Dr was with her literally about one and one half minutes regarding the lump ('probably an ingrown hair infection') in her groin, and she had to call the Dr back to her (as she was walking out the door) regarding the lump under her armpit. When she did this, the Dr barely turned around to say, 'The abx I'm giving you will take care of that as well.
None of the Drs communicated w/ another, none of them tried to put anything together.
Lumps near lymph glands, swollen leg, hmmmmmm.... We finally got the idea she needs to see an edema specialist -- perhaps lymphodema -- this, after about 6 months of nothing. And we are figuring this out, NOT the Drs!
It is not just Lyme. It's everything. It's all a mess!