I apologize for so many questions when I seem to be unable to help so many others. Still, somehow I hope that my questions and complaints can help others in some way -- if we figure out an answer, or at least to share common problems.
I, like so many of you, have for a long time been blaming every new unexplainable issues on Lyme. So maybe it is, or maybe it isn't?
Several weeks ago -- maybe even a month, I started having a little pain in my right tricep. It got a little worse and for a couple of weeks, figured I had pulled a muscle or something. I do not do strenuous exercise, but do frequently leash walk my 2 dogs. My powerful pit mix is always on my right so I can control her when we see things that cause her to go bezerk, like rabbits, deer, ground hogs -- I think we're over the birds. So I figured it had something to do w/ that -- once I had to go down to control her.
But the pain has steadily increased, and tho the tricep still feels 'pulled', the pain generated past it -- below and above does not feel 'pulled'. It is a dull AND sharp ache, if that makes any sense. There is a noticeable, but slight lump on my inner arm, opposite my elbow, and some of the pain seems to generate from that. The pain that is increasing is shooting up my arm, into my shoulder and is now in my lower neck, near the front. Tho the 'pulled' part feels manageable, the rest of the pain is pretty bad. Not excruciating, but bad enough to make me feel ill yesterday, on Easter. And bad enough to call in sick this morning. Ibu does not do much for it.
Any theories on what this might be? I am still seeking Lyme Drs, but meantime, if I can figure out who to go see for my back, neck, and now this problem, I would start w/ that. I HATE the thought of an MRI (never had one) because of extreme claustrophobia, although I'd sure like to learn what's up w/ my back. I've always had lower back and neck pain, but since the Lyme it's been different -- in different areas, and is accompanied by horrible muscle spasms that started getting hot, but now go icey.
Oh ye experts out there. What do you think? HOld out for an LLMD or seek a bone/muscle specialist?