thanks 1bittern2xshy,
There seems to be a ton of information here and there for Lyme though in my opinion it really isn't that easy to keep together and figure out what to do. Maybe I need to print what I find relevent to me because looking at this stuff again makes me confused and anxious. Bottom line I guess I really need to find a LLMD.
i also read that lyme impacts the frontal lobe and makes it hard to get diagnosis because the victim has difficulty organizing and interpreting data, also disbelief and maybe denial for some reason play a role- combine that with doctors who don't have a clue and no wonder so many mis diagnosed or people with no diagnosis like me... for me since they ruled out everything they decided to call it CFS. =( They also concluded I had active EBV and CMV which now it’s interesting to me again since seems like people here might be considering that common co infections to lyme.
Since I never had diagnosis I go back in fourth… I believe I had/have it then – no, that’s not what it is/was. In as little as a day I change my mind. Weird, hey (sigh) Anyway I am glad to have found this site. Thanks!