I went to the ED first and they did route blood work, nothing was out of range. Sent me home, said it was the flu. Went to my doc two days later with the blood work and again. We think the flu.. then I went again two days later, by this time I was barely about
to drive myself there. I told her I thought it was LD and she did a blood test and gave me an imjection and a 10 day anitbodic. I do not remember the antibodic, but within hours I felt better.
The blood test was not postitive for LD.. I have not had another. Does LD produce antibodies that show up in the blood.
This was my endocriologist, I am diabetic. my blood sugars were up the 500's and I had to go on insulin for several months.
I also have tinnitus now but I think the blood sugars did that.
I don't think they did a Western Blot test, just the blood test. I can call and get the results. I usually get them but forgot that time.
Last summer I told the doc I thought I had LD again and she just treated me, no tests were done. But since then I have had Vit B12 issues and have felt the same tiredness and acheness.
So who knows what I had...
thank Patsy