I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with your previous ND, even though he did seem to do you quite a bit of good from what you posted. Obviously he failed somewhere along the line due to his lack of experience or perhaps he didn't use the appropriate remedies to get your body functioning optimally so that it could fight the disease on it's own, which is what Dr. Jernigan's protocol is all about
What did this doctor use as a natural antibiotic to kill off bacteria and spirochetes? Did he use the Jernigan remedies for this or something else?
If I recall, from a past post you wrote, you ordered the Jernigan protocol and were trying it at home. Have you been doing this protocol at home and have you been getting any benefits from it? Did you buy the book, "Beating Lyme Disease" which has the protocol in it?
jojeanle, I make a point to not argue with people on any of lyme forums I belong to because I believe our purpose for being here is to support and encourage people and not be critical or make accusations against them. I appreciate it when people come here to warn us of a scam, or something of that nature when they have proof of it happening, but in your case, you basically are accusing some people here of "recruiting sick people for a profit..." Here's your exact quote from your post:
"Please forgive me, but recruiting sick people for a profit is lower than low.... If hes a miracle worker than fine, but I keep seeing the same theme in these threads..and its leading me to believe this is one great recruiting contest".
Do you really think that the two or three people who have written about
this protocol on this forum, and have gotten better from it, are recruiting sick people for a profit? Do you really believe that we're having some kind of a "recruiting contest" to get people to go on this protocol? WOW, that's a first for me. My wife read this before I did and told me, "you're not going to believe what someone wrote on Cindy's thread". Boy, was she ever right.
I can't speak for others here, but I've been a member Lymenet, Healing Well and MDJunction for five years, and I have a record that speaks for itself. If you've read any of my posts over the past five years, you would know that I have been very, very sick and have been searching everywhere for a way to get better. Abx were not working for me and I needed to find a protocol that would work for me that didn't require taking abx . If you read my posts here, and on the other forums, you'd know how very sick I was and how desperately I was searching for a protocol that didn't involve abx because I believe they were doing me more harm than good.
My record speaks for itself. Never one time in the five years that I have been on any of the lyme forums have I promoted anything or any product. I started the Hansa Center thread in January with no clue how it would be written because I didn't know what the final outcome would be. Had the treatments I had from the Hansa Center not been successful that's exactly what I would have posted on the lyme forum threads. I've been very
open, honest and upfront on the lyme forums about
my experiences at the Hansa Center and the Jernigan protocol I've been on over the past four months.
I value my reputation on these Lyme forums and this is the first time I've been accused (or grouped together with those who you accuse) of "recruiting sick people for a profit". Do you mean to suggest that those who speak highly of the Jernigan protocol, or the Hansa Center, are being paid to say what they say here? Is that what you're saying, because if it is, that's quite an accusation you are making. I believe if you're going to make such a blatant accusation like this, you should back it up with proof, otherwise, you should not be making these kinds of accusations against people who are doing nothing more than sharing the good results they've gotten from the protocol.
My integrity on the lyme forums mean a lot to me, and for you to say the things you have, you are basically challenging my integrity. I'm not going to defend Denise or Heathersdad, which are the only two others here who I recall who have spoken highly of this protocol, I'm sure they will answer for themselves.
Cindy just started her thread a few days ago and we don't know how it's going to turn out yet since she just started the protocol. Now that her computer has a virus in it, and she can't use it, we apparently won't be getting any reports from her for a few days or when she returns back home. She may have a wonderful outcome and give us a good report, or she may have a poor outcome and give us a bad report, who knows what she'll be saying about
this protocol until she reports back to us.
Dr. Jernigan admits that not everyone who he treats gets well. He makes no promises to anyone that he will get them well, he only promises them that he will do everything within his power and work as hard as he can to get you better, but he never promises anyone they will absolutely leave his clinic healed. Some leave his clinic with minimal improvement, some make no improvement, but the vast majority of people who he treats do get better. Thankfully, I am one of them, as is Denise and Heather based on what heathersdad has written about
Obviously you are feeling very frustrated because you're still suffering with this disease. I can understand your frustration and I sympathize with you for that. I don't feel angry at you for what you said, but I do feel you need to rethink what you've posted. It's important that you realize that there are people who really are getting better on this protocol. If they're like me, they want to come here to share with others the good results they've experienced on the Jernigan protocol. That seems like a good thing to do, share their success with others, but when people accuse them of recruiting sick people for a profit, that seems a little harsh in my opinion.
It would seem to me if anyone has a success story to tell on a lyme forum, we would rejoice and be glad for the person who was sick and is finally getting better after years of suffering. Not only that, if they're like I was, there's people on the lyme forums who'd want to know how someone got better, and that's something I'd want to share with others. I feel an obligation to tell others about
my success with this protocol, because if I didn't share this with others, I would feel like I'm denying them the same opportunity to get better like I did (or still am).
I owe a big thanks to Deejavu (Denise) here on Healing Well, and two people on lymenet who told me about
this protocol. I had never heard of this protocol in the whole five years that I've been on the Lyme forums until this past January. Denise got completely better on this protocol just by following the instructions in the book in just 8 months. That's nothing short of a miracle in my mind. I'm still getting better, but I haven't not gotten to the place where I can say I have beat this disease yet. I would say I'm mostly 75% better and on really good days I'm about
90% better. But I can also say that I have about
five days or six out of the month where I feel lousy. I suspect it's due to toxins coming out of my body since there is still die off and I do a lot of detox.
I have no reason to believe that what I'm experiencing is a temporary thing because I really do believe the remedies I'm taking are doing both, killing the spirochetes, and building up my immune system to fight this disease on it's own. Only time will tell, but I'm pleased with the progress I'm making and believe in time I'm going to get even better.
jojeanle, again, I don't hold it against you for what you posted, but I do hope you will rethink what you've said and realize that just because you had a bad experience, and may have been taken advantage of, that's not how I feel about
my treatment at the Hansa Center. I paid 7 thousand dollars because I came in before the special price began (just my luck).
I'm still making payments on our credit card. But I don't regret it for a moment. Like I've said before, yes, it's expensive, but if the protocol makes you better--it's priceless!
I pray things get better for you. If I can be of any help to you while you're doing the Jernigan protocol at home, please feel free to email me or, if you'd like, I'll be glad to give you my phone number and we can talk more about
this on the phone.
You are in my prayers!
Post Edited (GWB) : 5/6/2010 8:10:54 PM (GMT-6)