Hi... few comments...
Dom, a LOT of people will likely test lyme positive, and yes are fighting it well. The jury is out though, because many folks are getting sick NOT after RE-infection, but after some form of trauma. So a 4 yr old body could be fighting it well (keeping the load low, encysting, etc), but after his 5yr old immunization day comes, can suddenly develop 'autism', or 'ticking', and all these sensitivities, aka lyme. Or a 40 yr old can get 30 days of treatment and be ok. Then she gets a bout of salmonella and wham! she is suddenly not getting better, getting lyme symptoms she never had. Or a 20 year old had lyme when he was 8, and gets into a car crash while in college and suddenly starts seizing. Then comes a stiff neck, then achy joints, etc.
These are all real examples. I have a million more.
There is a chance some of them had been re-infected, but the times of the events above lines up perfectly (i.e. the very night of the immunizations). Also, they didn't see or feel (a bump) or a tickbite, had no rash, weren't outside, etc.
Someone else asked if there was a website for these docs. There is one I know of, it is MMI (Microbes in Mental Illness). A lot of them seem to be on there.
A lot of them also belong to ILADS and ACAM (Integrative Medical Organization), so they communicate through these and lyme conferences. I agree though, it would be such a blessing if more of them agreed on things! So much controversy within controversy!