OneWearyChick~Today I took my chances on a free mobile clinic and believe it or not the Dr. took my blood and sent it off to be tested for lyme. He honestly didn't believe I had lyme because he said there were only 4 cases of it this year in Ohio. He also said that the tick would have had to been attached for 36 hours to infect lyme. I had never heard of that? Seems like I would have noticed a tick on me for that long?
Obviously he isn't up on things. He may only have knowledge of 4 cases, but it is unlikely for such a decline
Get your labs, maybe he will humor you and give you the doxy anyway and in the mean time go to another dr/clinic (I would). It is such a shame more doctors aren't proactive to nip it in the bud - now when this window is your opportunity. Go from one to the next if you have to.
OneWearyChick - I hope everybody figures out one of these days that lyme doesn't necessarily come from a tick bite. If that's the case, how are entire families testing positive? Surely every member wasn't bitten....and it's a known fact that dogs and cats have it. It's a bacterial infection so why couldn't you get lyme if Fido gives you a big sloppy kiss across your mouth????
Mamyou, I do believe lyme comes from other means than ticks and I do believe that many domestic animals carry it, knowingly or unknowingly to their owners.
It's okay to whine and complain sometimes, we all need to once in awhile