Wow! You were right - that is quite a list of meds!
The only 2 that I'm familiar with are the Flagyl and Trazadone.
Flagyl makes me very nauseous and weak. And you know not to ever EVER let her have anything with alcohol in it - right? Not even mouthwash! Or any supplements that might be made with alcohol! Will cause very serious vomitting - this I found out by accident as I put 10 drops of a tincture under my tongue (didn't realize it had alcohol it in) and was vomitting violently for hours! And just in case she ever gets prescribed Doxycycline (which is a common abx for Lyme), apparently the Doxy will cause the Flagyl to not work at its full power. I am on both anyway, as my doc says that 80% power for Flagyl is worth taking both.
The Trazadone is for depression/stress/and suposedly for insomnia - well, I was sleeping wonderfully before Trazadone, and was given it for depression. After Trazadone, my sleep was fitful and full of nightmares most nights. I took it for 4 weeks, and then weaned myself off of it 1/2 pill at a time over a period of 2 weeks to get off it. My sleep has improved dramatically and no more nightmares. The nightmares caused me more depression and stress than anything! Good riddens to the Trazadone!
Oh, and I did use Melatonin for a while just because I wanted to fall asleep right away - and that worked for me, but it made me dizzy and groggy the next day. And since I didn't need help sleeping, I quit using it. Instead I read my Bible and pray before falling asleep, and that works better for me.
It doesn't surprise me at all that she is weak and collapsing. She needs to rest as much as possible, so maybe trips to Wal-mart and other trips out of the house need to be on hold for a while. I only go out if I absolutely have to.
Keep in touch - and let her know that we would love to hear from her as well. Sometimes just venting does wonders! Give her a big hug from all of us here!