Hi +Lyme,
Your post about your life brought tears to my eyes.. Tears because I feel compassion for you.
I think I may start a new thread about how to deal with guilt (lyme-related or not).. We all feel guilt for different reasons..
Please remind yourself that you didn't have a crystal ball in front of you (none of us do) when we pick our mate. Yes, you married a creep and there is no reason why you should feel guilty about that... He could have turned out to be a great guy, how were you to know? I made my mistakes as well and realized that unless we live it, we don't know what the future holds.. We live and learn.
Sounds like you did a terrific job raising your 3 children.. You were there for them. You did the best you could and it sounds to me like you worked hard raising those 3 kids plus working at night. Please give yourself some credit.. And it takes so much strength to leave a man or mate that acts destructive towards us.. I hemmed and hawed about asking my 2nd husband to get out of my life because he was causing me too much stress and anxiety as he didn't believe I was sick with lyme. Yet I was there for him when he was sick with crohn's.. He yelled at me for not cooking dinner, helping him pick up leaves, and the list goes on. When he finally did leave I felt a huge weight lift off of me.. I knew I was not going to get a penny from him but the inner peace I felt was so much more important than his money..
I'm sure that your children's suffering is NOT all your fault.. At some time in our lives we must take responsibility for our own happiness.. My mother is totally looney and has been all my life. Growing up with my mother taking scissors and cutting up all my clothes was not fun not to mention all the other crazy things she did to my entire family.. I could write a book about my mother and her crazy ways.. I started drinking to cope with it all and one day I decided I didn't want to kill myself from all the alcohol I consumed so I went into a rehab and stayed sober even since. I learned that I was in charge of my own life and my own choices.. That the only way to deal with my mother was to accept her the way she is and never expect anything from her or I set myself up for disappointment and hurt...
Sorry that this is too long.. I am trying to share with you what I have gone through.. No one has a perfect life (sick or not sick).. Everyone has guilt, problems, depression (some people just hide it better).. Again, no one is perfect.
No, I don't think you need a hospital.. I think you need to make another change in your life.. You mentioned moving to your parents in the Carolina's before.. I think that would be your best bet right now.. Start new.. Get away from the stressors at work and just quit.. No, that does not make you a coward.. It makes you a strong person to take charge of your life to reduce the stress you are feeling.. Having lyme is bad enough, you don't need the extra's..
It's time for you to think about you and how to better your life and find some peace (and I don't mean financially).
I hope this helped a bit..
Hugs to you,