sooo... there has been water stains showing up on the bedroom ceiling. There is a solar panel array above our unit and someone came today to fix whatever was wrong. Long story short..... there is a hole in the roof and he pulled out and replaced several black, mold covered panels. I talked to him for a while and he showed me one of the other apartments and their mold damage. He told me that my apartment was poorly circulating and trapping humidity. Knowing what I already know about
the apartment plus this just became the "last nail in the coffin".
I had to sit down with my roommate and basically tell him I need to move out. He is not on the lease, so if I leave, he is kicked out too. I'm on my way out the door now to start apartment hunting.
If living in a mold-free environment does nothing more than clean up my acne (which is 500% worse now than when I was a teen!) I think it will be worth it. I'm on unemployment and chances are it will be running out in Feb. so I've got to figure out something. Unfortunately doctors appointments may be the first place I will be force to cut back on. My stress level is through the roof now! ahhhhhh!