Cajungirl, thank you so so so much! I was laying in bed last night worrying to death about
this foot cramp and feeling lousy again. I was so worried I was going to wake up today and not be able to walk and/or that I was getting worse AGAIN. Lo and behold I remembered the other day that the last time I had such bad heart palpitations I read that low potassium can cause them. Didn't connect the foot cramp (like an idiot) until I read your note. I took it last nite and this morning and the foot cramp is gone and heart palps are better than they were. I wonder why lyme strips you of potassium or is it the antibiotics that do? I am very interested to see if taking potassium also gets rid of the rash on my forehead as the research I have done has indicated low potassium can cause facial rashes too.
Thanks again. It is amazing the way we can help each other on this board!