natalied said...
I don't have Lyme but I have two friends who do. I discovered that the symptoms are not actually caused by the tic bite and bacteria but the Epstein Barr virus which is hiding somewhere in the body waiting for an opportune moment to create havoc. When there is stress, whether emotional or physical, or an operation, or a tic bite, the EB virus takes advantage and attacks the whole body, particularly the nervous system. Doctors don't know this and are only treating the bacteria, often with heavy antibiotics. The virus needs to be dealt with as well! Certain foods help, and also supplements, but i have just discovered that bio magnetic therapy can eliminate the virus. Whoever may be interested to look further, check out this therapy and also the book called Medical Medium by Anthony William.
I have fibromyalgia and the book has answered many of my questions. EB causes most auto immune conditions, which includes Lyme, chronic fatigue, fibro, thyroiditis, MS, RA, etc. I have had a couple of bio magnetic treatments and the difference is my health is amazing! I feel normal for the first time in my life.
Worth a look. Good luck everyone.
Hi there Natalie!
I agree that many people are struggling with high viral loads. Like Traveler mentioned, some 90% of the population over 30 or so has acquired EBV and for herpes viruses it's in the 70 percentile, CMV is commonly carried by ticks...
We are great hosts for viruses. I have struggled with viruses my entire life so I know most of the symptoms inside and out - starting from when I was young and since the tick bite they have created an additional burden while also dealing with Lyme & Co infections.
I can also assure you many people have BOTH Lyme & coinfections AND EBV and each pathogen requires a unique protocol. Also, Lyme symptoms are generally quite different for most people than EBV symptoms. I control my EBV and other viruses with antiviral Rx and sometimes w/ herbs although that is evolving. And my Lyme & bart sx, which are pretty well managed via antibiotics right now.
I haven't read the book but the medical profession isn't "confused" with contributing Lyme to a bacterial presence. I think the science is pretty clear on that. I will agree that it is VERY difficult to know all the pathogens that might be afflicting us.
But Lyme specialists, who know what they're doing and the patients they treat, follow the science that connects symptom load to Lyme & co and they see a change in those symptoms with the correct antibiotic protocol. This isn't the only way to heal but that affect on symptoms isn't imagined or explained away by a viral load. My protocol does rely on both antibacterials and antivirals.