My husband and I went for our appointments last week.
We had separate appointments on different days. My appointment lasted close on 3 hours, my husbands just an hour.
The Dr is extremely knowledgeable, has been treating Lyme patients for over 25 years and follows ILADS guidelines. He was very thorough with the examination and my history and really explained in full what was going on with me and why I am so sick. He explained the difference between the IGM and IGG bands and I think it is a very important factor in the treatment and recovery process. He ordered some blood work that had not been done with the previous Dr .
I will be starting IV Invanz as soon as I have had the test run and a picc line put in. I will also be on Tindamax for the cysts for 14 days and then Alinia. I have also been given Carofate suspension for my stomach to help stop the gastric ulcers from getting worse, plus LDN for my pituitary problems.
He will address the co-infections, Bartonella (not the cat scratch one) and Babesia once he has got the Lyme under control.
He stopped all my med's for now except Difflucan daily for 7 days to get rid of the yeast.
I spent about an hour with his nurse who is very thorough and she went through everything with me. I will be under the care of my regular physician plus a nursing service will come in once a week to change my dressing. I will administer the IV with a Eclipse home pump, weekly blood work has been ordered.
He expects the IV to continue for 3-4 months, maybe longer and thinks approx 10 months to get me better.
My husband on the other hand is going straight onto Tindamax for 14 days along with the Minocycline he is already taking (to clear up any cysts if they are there). He then will start Mepron and Azithromycin for Babesia.
I really wish I had ignored all the bad press and gone to see him last Sept when I received my diagnosis as I believe I would be well on my way to recovery, instead I am worse than ever, but I was overwhelmed and frightened by it all.
The Dr has not promised me anything, I am going into this with my eyes wide open, I am prepared to give it a shot and I will try anything the Dr suggests to make me better