Hi 079,
This exact subject gets brought up a lot here, seems as though most of us have to go suffer through comments such as those & others. For the most part, I had to decide who I really wanted to understand and who wasn't so important to try to make them understand. I discovered there were a whole lot of people who I just had say something like - it's a shame I had to be so ill to look this good!!
For those that I really wanted them to understand, I found 'The Spoon Theory' to be the best resource. Although this gal has Fibro, not Lyme, there are enough similarities & she hit the nail on the head! It can be found in the thread "New to Lyme?", and here is a link:
www.butyoudontlooksick.com/articles/written-by-christine/the-spoon-theory-written-by-christine-miserandino/ In my opinion, there is no way other can really understand what it is like living with tick-borne infections - until they actually do have to live with it. My hubby is a doll & helps me in sooo many ways to be able to function & communicate - but he doesn't
really understand either. I just have to tell him once in a while "it's a Lyme thing" sometimes.
Understand your limits & stick to them, you are the only one who will have to 'pay for' any over-doing. I can now gauge how well I'm doing most days & only plan to be out for as long as I am able any given day - even if it means I have go home before an event is over.
I do hope this helps some.