Given your previous exposure to tick bite, and your symptoms, you may or may not have Lyme - that's why it is good to consult a Lyme specialist (LLMD) for evaluation and diagnosis. And they usually also have the most experience with treatment, although many find that they need supportive treatment from natural medicine in addition to the standard LLMD treatments.
Also, some find they just do better in general when they follow non-pharmaceutical methods of treating Lyme. There are a number of herbal protocols out there for treating Lyme - Buhner, Cowden, Zhang, etc. is an excellent resource for anyone dealing with Lyme/tick borne infections.
It would also be good to check out the thread at the top of the forum for those new to Lyme - a lot of good info can be found there.
Something to try maybe is to do some detoxing and see if that helps with any of your symptoms. Most of us, whether or not we have Lyme, have some kind of toxin buildup - especially if we have the chemical sensitivities.
Another thing to ask your Naturopath about is methylation cycle genomic testing. Dr. Amy Yasko offers the lowest price on the lab test for the genetic variants that can lead to methylation cycle blocks. The methylation cycle is the primary detox pathway in the liver, and many who have chronic fatigue, Lyme, and/or chemical sensitivities seem to have need of support for methylation.
More info about methylation can be found here:
Order the test kit from here:
Note: I have no financial connection with any company or website listed in this post.
I also should mention that many times, chronic sinus infections are caused by fungal infections (bacterial infections can develop secondarily to the fungal infection), and sometimes are also complicated by allergies or other causes of sinus inflammation. Also, history of broken nose and/or deviated septum can predispose one to more issues with chronic sinus infections (of any kind) because circulation and sinus drainage is limited compared to normal.
I hope this helps...take care,