Hi CajunGrl,
Love the name (my wife is from a little town outside of Baton Rouge). I'm not on treatment and have not been officially been diagnosed. I did have the ELISA test which came back 'equivocal', but I live in Montana so the doctor insists it can't be lyme because 'there is no lyme in Montana'. So I'm left searching for a doctor that will take this serious. I've actually been ill with lyme symptoms since my grade school years after a rash that appeared on my arm was diagnosed as ringworm. This past summer I became extremely ill again and was dianosed with mono but also broke out with numerous different rashes (hives, petechiae, cherry angiomas, skin tags) but the one that I'm curious about looks like the EM rash but it circles around the fingers on my hand, so it's difficult to tell. My doctor, of course, dianosed it as some kind of eczema or something, but the ointment he gave me for it does nothing. Over the years (I'm now 45 yrs old), I've had so many unbelievable symptoms (from temporary blindness to seizures) with no diagnosis except 'it's in your head, go to therapy'. So I guess I'm just experiencing the same journey so many of you have. I did research and found a Doctor in a city in Montana about 200 miles from where I live that I hear knows a lot about lyme and takes it seriously, so I'm going to give her a try. Thanks for the reply and take care.