So, for nearly 3 years I've been passed around doctors like a bag of candy. Seriously, I've seen over 30 of them (counting the five who out-right took my money just for a visit to say they don't know what's wrong with me). So, I'll bore you all for a moment with a quick recap of everything:
I've lived in South Florida for my WHOLE life. I've never EVER been bitten by a tick. Since, four-five years ago when I had a cyst rupture, I've been extra careful with my body, etc. Anyway, my symptoms don't seem to fit in with lyme...
It first started with pain. Sudden, severe onset of back pain. Just back pain. From my shoulders to lumbar, there's pain and no where else, like abdomen, neck, etc. I saw just about every doctor possible and every scan, test, etc. is normal.
Well... this past January, the whole game plan has changed. Usually, I don't have bad (if at all) memory problems, fatigue, or any things else. Then, BAM! Vision in my right eye decreased drastically, found out I have atrophy, I can't recall information, so I'm now failing all of my classes in college. I'm an excellent student, so one class I can understand, but not all of them.
In addition to those things, I'm extremely fatigued. I can hardly get out of bed due to pain and exhaustion.
Well, before this all started, I was a martial arts instructor and a top competitor in my state. Needless to say, I soon had to drop it. Pain was just so horrible. That and my other part-time job too. Doctor says I can't work. It hurts too much to stress or exercise and that's my life.
One problem with all of this is that "I'm too young to have these problems". But yeah, for 2 1/2 years my symptom was only pain.
Now, to the interesting part. Evidently, my prognosis is down to: Lupus, LD, MS, and Fibro.
Lupus: my ANA is 1:80 / 1:40 and speckled. Really, my aunt has lupus, but I highly doubt I do.
LD: I'm positive for Western Blot. But, I've never been bit and I'm nearly hypersensitive to those sort of things. Do ticks even come down to south Florida?
MS: because, like Lyme, my symptoms... sort of fit... I guess. No lesions, though doc says I may be one of the 5% without any.
Fibro: Because of the pain? I'm super sensitive to touch, so no one can hug me. I once blacked out for 20 minutes because of a single pat on the back at Christmas.
Well... my question is... can I have Lyme without being bit? Really... I didn't have any flu like symptoms... only pain. I'm not sure... what do you all think?
Really... I'm ready for a treatment, because I feel like my life is spiraling out of control quickly now.