Guys, Cobroxin actually works. My husband suffers from chronic pain and has had multiple spinal surgeries. He also has congestive heart failure and when his pain gets too bad, his blood pressure skyrockets. NOTHING was working any more to control his pain - and we have tried everything. Out of pure desperation, I did a google search to try to find a pain clinic in our area that did cobra venom injections. My cousin, who also has severe spinal injuries, had these injections a few years ago and has been pain free for the last 18 months. So, I thought, what the heck. At this point we have nothing to lose. Instead of finding a pain clinic that does the injections, I came across an article about Cobroxin in a pharmacy journal. So then I looked Cobroxin up online. WHen I saw that our local pharmacy supposedly carried it, I told my husband. Sure enough, they had one bottle of the gel, so we bought it. That was two months ago. His primary care physician has been monitoring his bloodwork weekly since he started using the stuff and he has been off ALL blood pressure medicine and ALL pain killers for about 6 weeks now. We rub his back down with the gel (and it doesn't take much since the stuff is the consistency of hand sanitizer) 2-3 times a day and he uses the oral spray 2-3 times a day. It's been unreal! When I get done rubbing it aon his back, i've been rubbing the residue on my hands and I have 0 arthritis pain in my hands now. Even my mother has been using it.