Opposing replies, but i appreciate both...
thankyou. I'm a 53 year old female, single mom, and caregiver for 2 sons in their teens and my 89 year old Pa. I'm also the yard crew /mow/prune/weedwhip/water ...So I do have plenty at stake. I am depended upon. Have been mostly well all my life, but after starting my family--we moved to a home that had 5 severe allergen trees within 20 feet of front and back door...it took years to figure out it is likely tree allergies that brought on severe bronchitis for us at that time. That is an immune system response, and so I wondered if childbirth changed my immune system?the previous yard had three low allergen trees..
I've had SO MANY family and friend royally messed up and killed or maimed by doctors that it has affected my outlook over the years. I cared for my mom directly from 2003 onward and went with her to doctor appnts --she suffered chronic terrible copd and i personally asked the drs and specialists what about
genetic asthma?(she coughed all her life, brought up in CA lumber camps, wooded, tree'd areas all her life--had an Aunt who died in her 40s from asthma--she always related that history, to each new dr) .not a single dr or specialist steered her in the direction of an allergist by referral. Instead they prescribed 150.00 inhalers that caused her to cough worse...another dr prescribed oral prednisone (a horrific wonderdrug--it worked, but at too great a cost) and he withdrew her too rapidly..she had two complete bodily collapses; I saw her thru both of them, via 2 trips to hospital. the baby faced doc did this TWICE to her..I knew more than HE did, about
the devastating effects it can have on some, via research/forum posts. She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 7 days before she passed away a in Mar'10....docs missed cues for that, too...years in advance of her death....I don't know why or how--she had so MANY tests, in her elder years....
I also note there seems to be a bonefide failure rate in some that have undergone rigorous AB therapies for Lyme....AB's wipe out the gut flora, which is critical to health...and set up weakened immunity probs..
So thanks to any, all info, I will def be taking in as much info as possible.....I was having such a rough year when the bite happened, I sorta shined it on...
I'm also of the mind that the weather modification you cannot help but notice if you look up(chemtrails/geoengineering) may be partly responsible for a huge overgrowth of plant life..been watching the skies since about
1996. the blanket effect of the chemtrails is trapping the co2 down the ground and the effect is lush overgrowth, i SEE that, with my eyes, I'm a layman, not a scientist....the lush growth contributes to more pollen, Too! ....which directly affects ME now...my compromised lungs worry me more than my achy body...but knowing that lymes and lungs/heart health are all linked, I'm
open to conventional treatment, just don't want it to make me WORSE.........
again, thanks, going to get my hands on the reading material.....