My sister the other day had to pull a deer tick off my 3 year old nephews ear. He was with my dad in the yard were there are alot of deer and my dad found one on his pants and told my sister to check over him, and she missed the one in the ear. She called the dr and they told her to keep an eye on his ear for a rash, ring or swollen, and to also watch for flu symptons or if he complains of aches and also to look for bruising.
I wanted to cry .... I do not want my preciouse nephew to have this horrible disease.
My family knows how seriouse Lyme disease is now that i have had it for 3 years. My older sister lives out of state and her dr told her that there is a apademic of ticks in her area. A friend at work told me she saw a program on tv about lyme and that it was a apademic and I said I know and it has taken this long for paople to realize it but now the drs and pharmicudicle (spelled wrong) needs to...
Thanks for listening Jennifer