Hi Nicole,
Welcome to our forum! I am so sorry that your son is possibly infected with tick-borne infections (tbi's), but you have come to a great place!, I'm sure you will find us to be a helpful, caring and understanding group.
Achievinggrace shared some very important info, and I wanted to share a little more. First of all, Good for you!!! You didn't let anyone push you around when it came to your son's health!!!
Unfortunately, ticks are no longer the only insect that can spread Lyme and other tbi's. It has become so prevalent that most any biting insect has the potential to infect a person. Mosquitoes, biting flies, fleas, and
spiders to name some.
Please do read the thread at the top of the forum titled "New to Lyme?...Start here!" - as Achievinggrace said - has a ton of great info and really informative links. One, for Dr. Burrascano's "Advanced Topics on Lyme Disease" is one I recommend often, as it has a ton of info not only about
Lyme Disease and it's treatment, but the more common co-infections (such as Babeosia, Bartonella, & Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever to name a few) and their treatments as well.
Another thing I would like to suggest is to do some reading on Dr. Jones' site (
www.drjoneskids.com/), as his practices' focus is on children with Lyme.
It will be incredibly helpful to not have to train a doctor on how to treat your son while trying to be sure your son is getting the right treatment. Do you need to find a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor for your son? We can help with that as well. I don't want to overwhelm you, so if you would like some links to places that can help you locate a LLMD, just ask!!
And one last thing...for now.
I would also like to suggest -rather heavily- that you have your son start detoxing right away. A well-known and well respected LLMD - Dr. David Jernigan - wrote an article titled "Lyme Toxins The Primary Cause of Your Symptoms". It can be found here:
findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0ISW/is_285/ai_n19170382/?tag=content;col1 In the "New to Lyme?" thread, we have a few really great 'recipes' for detoxing and dry skin brushing, and don't forget to have him drink
plenty of water with lemon.
Please let us know how your son is doing and how you are as well. We can also help you understand some of what he is going through, as we have been there ourselves most likely.