Hi Violetablue,
I don't mind sharing here on the forum a bit! I am seeing an Acupuncture Practitioner, and the first thing we did was to build up those systems that were just not functioning very well with acupuncture (and massage for the lymphatic system).
I was already on Synthroid when I went to see her and she determined that my adrenals were is crisis. I started on a Homeopathic remedy for adrenals and thyroid (NatraBio's Thyroid and Adrenal Support).
I had serious issues with intestinal psuedo-blockages and intestinal cramping along with IBS w/ serious chronic constipation. She has me taking a combo of Licorice, Peppermint, and White Peony - which works like a dream for me!!!
Because of serious nausea issues, I am taking 5 grams of ground ginger root each day. I take a multi, Vit. E and a few other supplements. The only 'script
I am on now is for Trazodone - an old anti-depressant that helps me get to sleep and stay asleep. We will be working on getting me off of that soon, but for now I still need it.
For my Anti-spirochete formula we are using a formulation that can be found here:
www.mistymeadows.org/wendy.htmWhen the page
opens, you will see several 'tiles'. Look for the one on the left that is titled "Lyme Disease: A Practitioners' Experience and Discovery". This has a lot of interesting info, but the formulas start on page 74. I have been using the "Chronic Tonic" for 10 weeks now, and I can't believe my progress!!
Before starting this, I couldn't tolerate temps above 78 or below 68 - now? I'm out in the 96 degree heat with anywhere from 40 - 58 % humidity!!!!
Talk about
sweatin' to the Oldies!!!
I didn't need to sleep all day, but it sure didn't take much for me to wear out - about
1 1/2 hours out from the house and I was pooped!
Now, I do need to sit and rest for an hour in the afternoon, but otherwise as long as I sleep good at night, I can get up and garden, take care of my goats, pick up around the house, and still have energy to fix dinner!!!
My eyes have been affected, I had very little stamina, and felt quite weak, muscularly. My nerves were still pretty much on fire and always had some area with the crawling skin, or the mysterious cold or warm feelings that would come and go. All of these things have not disappeared (yet) but they are only mildly bothersome now. I'm sure there are things that I am not remembering right now (LOL- I'm getting tired).
OH! Can't leave out the lovely brain fog!!!
Who could forget that?!?! At one point it was so bad that I couldn't tell anyone the name of my dog, follow simple written or verbal instructions and sure couldn't copy any patterns! Now, I deal with the brain fog when I am tired, but do really well otherwise! Comprehension is much better, and I am regaining my short-term memory!!!
Obviously this was a really good fit for me!! It's worked very well in the 10 short weeks that I have been on it!! I told my Acu doc that I would take this for the rest of my lie if I needed to!!! LOL!!
Although, I would suggest that anyone wanting to try this for themselves, they should find themselves a good herbolist, Homeopathic, Acupuncture or Holistic Practitioner to help evaluate how well it would work for them!
Anyone with any questions, I will be happy to answer all that I can, but of course seeing your own practitioner will get you better, more accurate answers as they are trained and I can only answer from my own experiences with me!
Hope this encourages those who are not getting the healing they need to look into other treatments.