I am sooo happy for you!!! I sure hope you are doing that Happy dance right along with me!!! I figure two weeks is enough to be able to say that there is some definite healing - even if we have a flare of those same symptoms once in a while, they will still retreat again!!
Okay, WOW. Thank you everyone!!
I wasn't quite expecting so many responses!! LOL!!! Thank you, thank you!!!!
The symptoms that I have have been with me for a very long time - the most recent having been around for the last 10 years - the longer ones, well, I just don't remember a time in my life without them! That's why I like to post when I have had some symptoms get better - I figure if I can heal, there is a lot of hope for others who haven't been infected for 40 years like I have!!! Seriously, I was infected at the ripe old age of 7 and I'm 48 now. Yikes! :;smhair: It sure makes me feel old when I put it that way!!!
You all have brought a serious smiley face to me this morning!!
Sicktoolong - please keep on trying!! We are here for you until you find your
complete healing as well! Have you found anything that you can tolerate yet?
I am using Herbs to treat my infections, along with Chinese Medicine and acupuncture for my symptoms. For the Bart, I started treating about
6 months ago - it took me a while to be able to build up to a dose that could actually do something - and I am using the herb Houttuyniae - a
very powerful herb!! I've only found one other person so far that is currently using this herb as well - and they are a member here!!
Once again, thank you so much everyone!!
I'll just tell ya - sharing the healing with those that can actually understand what it's like sure makes it not only feel more real, but gets me even more excited to continue on doing what I am doing!!!