So I was diagnosed a week ago, starting abx tomorrow, and have had a ton of thoughts going through my head in the past week. I've already questioned on here if I should have my whole family tested due to some symptoms.
Then I think about my mother, who has always had a lot of crazy symptoms. She has some physical problems, dizzy spells, arthritis, anxiety, bi polar like symptoms, mood swings, and so on. She's always been a "dysfunctional" person, but was raised in a very unstable dysfunctional home. I mainly attributed it to that. As much as I have hated it, I have many of those symptoms as well. After having my first child, I ran to get help with the mood swings, anxiety/deppression issues because I did not want to raise my children like I was raised.....unstable! I look at her now and wonder could she have Lyme? Or, is she a product of her upbringing, dealing with some mental, as well as her physical issues?
I look at my mother in law, who went through some weird symptoms about 20 years ago, and was diagnosed with MS. She's on medication, and does water therapy, and her MS has never progressed. With all the talk of Lyme looking like other illnesses, makes me wonder, could she have really had Lyme (although nothing has gotten worse over all these years).
My husband as an infant had severe skin rashes (most likely eczema), food sensitivities, allergies, and as he got older many adhd and possible aspergers symptoms (no diagnosis). As an adult, he has sleep apnea, high blood pressure (his whole family does), back problems, ibs, and in the past few years, major irritability issues! He has NEVER been a morning person, and cannot wake up on time for ANYTHING. He attributes it to sleep apnea.
My three kids all have their own set of issues that I'm concerned about.
Now that I am learning more about Lyme, I'm starting to think everyone has it. Then I realize why it is such a controversial issue. I can see where people could start blaming Lyme for everything.
Personally I would like to get my husband and kids tested (not sure my husband would buy into this), but it is soooo expensive, and of course insurance doesn't cover it. I will be working on this one!